Crafting Virtual Into Reality

Crafting Virtual Into Reality

VirtuCraft aims to serve as a bridge that connects virtual data (specifically NFTs) with the real world (via dynamic NFC chips).

Our Mission

  • Facilitate the division of real estate into tokens, enabling investment opportunities for everyone

  • Offer straightforward and efficient methods for all holders to access digital assets.

  • Minimize volatility and enhance positive price trends in digital asset investments.

  • Function as a digital asset driven by community engagement, ensuring complete decentralization

  • Our objective is to decentralize and equitably distribute land and real estate ownership within our community.

Key Components

NFT NFC Mapping Contract:

A smart contract to store the one-to-one mapping relationship between NFTs and NFC chips.

Fungible Token Contract

Based on ERC-20 or other suitable standards, this contract is designed to incentivize and manage the entire ecosystem.

Authorization/Certification Contract

This contract handles the authorization or certification of NFC chips (and the corresponding physical goods) by NFT holders.

Features and Processes

Binding and Unbinding

Users can bind or unbind NFTs and NFC chips by paying a certain amount of Fungible Tokens.

Security and Anti-theft

Multiple layers of verification and potential alert mechanisms are in place to ensure security.

Physical Goods Circulation

Allows physical goods to circulate in the real world under certain conditions.

Authorization and Certification

NFT holders can authorize or certify physical goods bound with NFC chips, turning them into genuine products with specific IP certification.

Token Utilities


Utilize VTC token staking, liquidity farms, and more to earn additional rewards.

Payment and Transactions

VTC will also be used as a payment method for fees on certain online services and applications.


Stake your VTC tokens and earn voting power in the Virtucraft governance protocol.

Trading Fee Discounts

Users can pay for trading fees on the online NFT commodity platform with VTC, receiving a discount.

Participation in New NFT Commodification Projects

VTC holders can participate in the Virtucraft Launchpad, a platform for new NFT commodification projects to conduct product sales and crowdfunding.

Contract Use

For NFTs stored in smart contracts, activating or executing the contract requires a certain amount of VTC tokens.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I bind my NFT with an NFC dynamic chip?

On the VirtuCraft platform, you can bind your NFT with an NFC chip through a simple smart contract process. This involves consuming a certain amount of VTC tokens to lock your NFT and allocate the corresponding NFC chip, ensuring a secure and efficient binding process.

What are the main uses of VTC tokens?

VTC tokens serve multiple purposes on the VirtuCraft platform, including executing the binding of NFTs with NFC chips, paying for transaction fees, participating in platform governance, and as part of the reward mechanism. They can also be used to purchase specific services and products on the platform.

What are the main uses of NFC chips?

NFC chips in VirtuCraft act as a bridge between the physical world and digital NFTs. They store key information related to NFTs, allowing physical goods to display their digital identity and authenticity. Additionally, they offer a unique investment opportunity for those unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies or Web3, enabling them to participate in digital asset investment through familiar physical goods.

How can I earn VTC tokens?

You can earn VTC tokens by staking NFTs and issuing NFC chips on the VirtuCraft platform. Each time these chips are traded within the platform, you, as the holder of the NFT and issuer of the NFC, will earn VTC tokens as a reward. Additionally, each time someone physically scans your NFC chip, this sensing activity will also bring you additional VTC token rewards.

Why is VirtuCraft capable of successfully implementing this project?

VirtuCraft combines advanced blockchain technology with NFC dynamic chips to create a unique ecosystem. Our team has deep technical expertise and extensive industry experience, ensuring the platform’s security, efficiency, and user-friendliness. Moreover, we have established partnerships with various industry players, ensuring the project’s sustainable development and market adaptability.

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